Ia loc, fă-te comod, ia o ceașcă de cafea. Confortabil? Bine, să ne cunoaștem.
Suntem Creative Broadcast, o companie tânără de producție video. Cu experiență în reclame video, filme de prezentare, transmisiuni live prin internet, găsim mereu canalul prin care vă ajutăm să vă atrageți publicul perfect și să obțineți rezultate care contează.
Cu alte cuvinte, aducem povești la viață cu ajutorul imaginilor.
Am ajutat multe branduri să beneficieze de puterea de marketing video în afacerile lor. De la sporturi extreme sau peisaje calme ce inspiră spiritul călător și promovează turismul, până la a face lumea corporate un pic mai accesibilă publicului larg.
We are Digital Storytellers & “Inspiration Activists” who can turn your goals into actual outcomes that will have a positive, expanding and ongoing ripple effect in your business.
Our team of professionals work with you step by step to offer a full-service digital media experience. Even once a project is completed, we support you with marketing and revenue generating strategies to maximize your audience impact.
We work with you to achieve your objectives – giving you results that matter.
Our specialities include video production, live streaming, audio production, photography, digital strategy, writing, social media marketing and brand development.
We strive to make each project unique and individual – part of our professional trademark is creating content that stands well apart from the ‘clutter’ and performs above and beyond the ‘average’ every single time.
We make content to move your audience and create impact that knows no limits.
We treat each project like it’s our own and attention to detail is what sets us apart.
Radu is the guy with the camera. Having previously worked as an operator in broadcast television, he has extensive know-how and the experience to tackle any situation and create beautiful imagery.
Passionate photographer since the age of film photography, he embarked intro the realm of motion pictures and video. Among his recent work he took a major part in the production of “Don’t Read This On a Plane” feature film.
UBB Film school graduate, Mihai got everyones attention with his documentary work. He always delivers the most compelling story and pays close attention to our clients needs.
Motion Designer
George has been active in graphic design for over 5 years and together with the team took his skills to the world of moving images. He designs motion graphics and animations for our projects.
© 2020 Creative Broadcast. All Rights Reserved.